What’s in Store?

I loved Christmas as a kid so much so that I always had trouble sleeping the night before. I would lay in my bed imagining what gifts would be in store on Christmas morning. I would like to say that I grew out of it as an adult but much to my wife’s displeasure I would toss and turn picturing in my mind our kids excitement that would be in store for us in the morning. The spiritual gift of giving may not be my primary spiritual gift but it has to be in there somewhere because I love to select the perfect gift and then seeing the response it brings. Last Christmas, my son-in-law, daughter, and granddaughter were with us on Christmas and I was no less excited to see my granddaughter, who was only one at the time and was just as content eating the bows as she was opening the actual gift, experience her first “real” Christmas.

When I attempt to contemplate what’s in store for us as believers it is really far too much to comprehend. Jesus promised that He would go and prepare a place for us so it has to be absolutely fantastic. Unlike the song, “I Can Only Imagine” it’s going to be so much more than I can even picture. If the paving material is from objects that we value tremendously, the Father and the Son have prepared the perfect place for our reunion. Judgement Houses were a big thing in the ’90’s but their portrayals of heaven could only be a poor imitation of what God has in store for us. As exciting as seeing that place will be, it is even more special that we will once again be in constant fellowship with our Creator as He always intended.

John 14:2

In My Father’s house are many dwelling places;[a] if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you.

Each Friday I participate in the FiveMinuteFriday.com challenge to write for five minutes on a prompt word. Today’s word is store. Since this is the final challenge of the year allow me to hope all will have a blessed and joyous Christmas celebration.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Bethany V. on December 15, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    “It’s going to be so much more than I can even picture.” Yes! I often make myself anxious when the unknown of what lies beyond this life presses in. Not because I don’t have confidence in the hope of heaven, but because I CAN’T comprehend what it will be like. Seeing children experience the wonders of Christmas without really understanding is a wonderful metaphor for all that we have to look forward to.


  2. It’s so exciting to wonder what’s in store for us on Christmas morning, but how much more to anticipate how wonderful beyond description heaven will be!


  3. I live a coolish kind of life,
    I do my thing and walk the walk,
    and for Christmas gave my wife
    a nice sharp throwing tomahawk,
    ’cause it’s what she always wanted,
    for her heart has always been
    in a place that’s to be flaunted,
    a proud and genuine redskin,
    far above the common clay,
    and better far than those who tread
    the dull dishonoured paleface way;
    truly one is better dead
    than forced by world to deny
    the life beneath Great Spirit’s sky.


  4. wonderful spin on the word prompt. Glad I stopped in. 🙂 now you have me imagining more. 🙂


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